The trademark first post!
Wow, It's been a long time since I started a new blog (my first, and previous blog, is still going at, even after all these years).
Hello world. :)
As this is such a seminal event in my life, I want to a) keep a record of my time here, and b) I don't mind if everybody else reads about it too.
For the record, I'm studying Music Technology & Production at the University of Central England in Birmingham, and my term starts on Monday the 19th of September (which is also International Talk Like A Pirate Day! How cool)... Well, Freshers' Week starts on the 19th, real work begins the week after.
It's going to be awesome.
Expect pictures and a rambling documentation of the move in to follow! For now, I have a domain name to register, and a design to do. Call back soon :D
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