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Monday, December 01, 2008

Do not underestimate your final year

Well, I thought I'd have plenty of time to wax lyrical during the first term of my final degree year. Not a chance! The last four months have been some of the busiest months of my entire course, but I'm getting there slowly. The last ten days have been a mad rush, pulling many all-nighters to get things done (and narrowly avoiding major disasters on several occasions!) but I have just two more big lots of coursework to get done, with the last due in in January next year - and then work on my Final Year Project resumes.

Man, I STILL need to learn better time management! More bits and pieces coming soon, including some useful tips every prospective (and current) student should always have in the back of their minds. More coming in 2009 (or around Christmas if I'm disciplined enough to put fingers to keyboard before then!) :)

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