And we're done.
So, I graduated in February. Great feeling - this also means the Uniblog is now officially the Postgrad Uniblog! :D
Labels: end of year, finished, graduation, year 4
A blog about one man's life going through University, tips on how to survive the course and reminiscing on the experiences contained herein...
Taking the diary concept to the 21st century in his own little way.
So, I graduated in February. Great feeling - this also means the Uniblog is now officially the Postgrad Uniblog! :D
Labels: end of year, finished, graduation, year 4
I've FINALLY finished all of my Uni work - final assessments have been handed in and marked, the reassessments I had to do have also been handed in and marked and we're on the home straight now.
Labels: finances, finished, graduation, guides, tips, tricks, year 4
And indeed, I've finished my degree course... Hopefully I get my results next week (last week of July).
Labels: random musings, update, year 4
"Students lose £20 a lecture after snow sends university into lockdown." It pointed out that fee-paying students are not getting full value for money if lectures are cancelled.
Labels: bbc, campus ethic, opinion, student loan, tuition fees, year 4
Well, I thought I'd have plenty of time to wax lyrical during the first term of my final degree year. Not a chance! The last four months have been some of the busiest months of my entire course, but I'm getting there slowly. The last ten days have been a mad rush, pulling many all-nighters to get things done (and narrowly avoiding major disasters on several occasions!) but I have just two more big lots of coursework to get done, with the last due in in January next year - and then work on my Final Year Project resumes.
... At least that's what it feels like! Final year for me, almost time to go back to the more traditional fare of study and academia after my placement year is finished.
Now the nailbiting REALLY starts, because I have to get my final year done, all my other assessments, plus find some kind of workable employment after I've finished my Degree.
Oh, and I have to graduate too! Here's hoping.
Labels: nailbiting, preparations, uniblog, year 4