Good idea #3: keeping up with your logbook entries
Unfortunately, I'm sometimes a lazy tyke, resulting in situations such as the one I faced last week - I'd only just refound my diary afer losing it (in my room! haha), and I then had sixteen weeks of work placement to document. Of course, I hadn't done any of them.
This blog's been quiet lately... Again, partially due to my laziness, but partially because I've been so busy at work. It's quite a difference from the crack of noon ;) that most students have to face every day - up early, in work, constant application of brain all day, finish at around 7pm, half an hour's drive back home... Then I'm usually so knackered it's just a case of scrounging for some quick grub, then an hour or so checking emails / keeping in touch with family / preparing for tomorrow, and off to bed.
And of course, although everybody else in my house gets three weeks off for the Easter break, I get nothing because I'm on a placement (and you have to negotiate with your employer for holiday). Circumstances just don't permit me to take time off - there's nobody to do my jobs (plural) while I'm away, and we're down to the wire on staff levels as it is!
I still have to decide what to do for my final year project too, and I have to decide (and submit the revised title) before the end of this term, but I'm stalling once again because I can't decide. I also have to sort out accommodation for next year, and it's getting later and later (when we found this house, it was all sorted by the January of the year we moved in - people arrange their accommodation crazily early in Birmingham because there's such a high demand for it!) I really don't want to be homeless, or worse still, have to move back into Halls for my final year, that'd be awful. One of the downsides of doing a placement is that you're always a year out from everybody else :(
Anyway, that's where I am right now in my life - looking forward to my final year of uni, apprehensive about accommodation and final year projects, and still uncertain of what I'm going to do after I graduate. I really want to work in local commercial radio (or even BBC regional) but it's hard-as-anything trying to find a decent in-road to these kinds of organisations. I've got fingers, toes, eyes crossed for luck, but I think it's going to be more serendipity than anything else that helps me in my job search.
Signing off for now... I need another cup of tea (I'm already enjoying the nice sit down).