Back to the grindstone for Christopher
Well, it's been a while since I added to this thing. What's going on with me?
- I worked for a month at my local Tesco over summer (I was let go after a month because they couldn't afford to employ me any more!)
- I've been engaged in an ongoing battle with Tesco head office because as a result of their incompetency in sorting out my pay, I was charged over £110 by Natwest as Tesco, in a nutshell, cashed a cheque they shouldn't have and as a result made my account overdrawn!
- I've started my placement at Revolver Records, in Wolverhampton
- It's my 22nd birthday tomorrow! (October the 13th... and I tell you what, I don't feel 22)
- I've been busy designing web sites, some of which haven't been used and some of which have
- I'm thinking of changing web hosts, and buying another 1Tb hard drive for my fileserver (such a geek.)
That's the briefest summary, but I thought that I should put in an update given that I've neglected my blog somewhat. I'll most likely write a longer entry this weekend from the comfort of my house, after I've been fed and watered for free by my parents ;)
Labels: birthday, placement, revolver, sandwich year, uniblog, update, year 3